
Annie’s stories
It is 2:30 am. I just woke up from a terrible nightmare. You know, the ones that haunt you even after you are wide awake. I started to analyze this nightmare and of course, the dead and decapitated body of my dream was obviously that of the moose that my husband had just hunted the...
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When I was little, I had a dream of writing a book. But I didn’t have much to say … Then 4 years ago, just a few days ago (September 29, 2016 – to be exact!), we set sail for the first time. The wind behind our back, towards a whole new adventure, a whole...
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The best way I found to help me “get back to earth” and counter the “blues” of the return was to write. Write our adventure from A to Z, reviving every piece of the journey. By reviving each emotion, each place, each crossing, each culture, without filter and without censorship! Result? I wrote a book...
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