It is 2:30 am. I just woke up from a terrible nightmare. You know, the ones that haunt you even after you are wide awake. I started to analyze this nightmare and of course, the dead and decapitated body of my dream was obviously that of the moose that my husband had just hunted the...Continue Reading
When I was little, I had a dream of writing a book. But I didn’t have much to say … Then 4 years ago, just a few days ago (September 29, 2016 – to be exact!), we set sail for the first time. The wind behind our back, towards a whole new adventure, a whole...Continue Reading
Mourning is never easy. Read When one day turn into a nightmare. The loss of a loved one, the loss of a pet, an accident, an illness, the loss of autonomy, a status quo, a great upheaval that occurs, is always difficult. The heart is torn. There is a wound. There is distress. There is...Continue Reading
When the world announced a pandemic, my first reaction was fear. Fear of running out of work, running out of food, running out of money. To no longer be able to pay my bills, to take care of my children, to lose my house, to lose my financial investments, to lose my dignity once again…...Continue Reading
The best way I found to help me “get back to earth” and counter the “blues” of the return was to write. Write our adventure from A to Z, reviving every piece of the journey. By reviving each emotion, each place, each crossing, each culture, without filter and without censorship! Result? I wrote a book...Continue Reading
Thank you for your support. Thank you for your shares. Thank you for your understanding. I felt loved, surrounded, understood following my last blog. Above all, I realized that I’m not alone in having moments of vertigo … You do not have to go sailing for years to question yourself. To (re) establish priorities, personal...Continue Reading
We have just had supper, the children sleep, we are sipping a drink. We are listening to good music, we talk, we relax. And now Xavier Rudd sings loudly: “What does your heart say?` … I stop, I ask myself and I cry gently … My heart is relieved … finally! But what does my...Continue Reading