My husband shot a moose – from a vegeterian wife…

It is 2:30 am. I just woke up from a terrible nightmare. You know, the ones that haunt you even after you are wide awake....
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Book «Partir pour mieux revenir» now for sale!

When I was little, I had a dream of writing a book. But I didn’t have much to say … Then 4 years ago, just...
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What if we were all mourning?

Mourning is never easy. Read When one day turn into a nightmare. The loss of a loved one, the loss of a pet, an accident,...
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When one day turn into a nightmare…

When the world announced a pandemic, my first reaction was fear. Fear of running out of work, running out of food, running out of money....
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I wrote a book!!!!!!

The best way I found to help me “get back to earth” and counter the “blues” of the return was to write. Write our adventure...
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A dizziness that fades slowly …

Thank you for your support. Thank you for your shares. Thank you for your understanding. I felt loved, surrounded, understood following my last blog. Above...
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What does my heart says?

We have just had supper, the children sleep, we are sipping a drink. We are listening to good music, we talk, we relax. And now...
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